Granite Belt Wildflowers: Out of Oblivion
Granite Belt Wildflowers: Out of Oblivion series was created on a forested property at Harrigans Lane, Wilsons Downfall in NSW. Local bush flowers, flickering in the sunlight and scattered across this beautiful and inspirational landscape, are the focus of this series. The flowers, such as Glycine clandestine (Twining glycine) and Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Yellow buttons) to name just a couple, were collected at various locations on the property to create images and map the locations.
Many of the flowers are almost invisible in the landscape amongst abundant lush ferns, tall grasses and fallen branches. This exhibition brings the blossoms out of their bush stage, where they once flourished unseen, and thereafter have emerged grander and brighter as art installations in situ during The Piano Mill public events by Harrigans Lane Collective. These emergent hues now dominate the Gallery space with their bold and rich presence.
Special thanks to Jocelyn and Bruce Wolfe for making this project possible.
To create these works I use an experimental process I call the biochrome. I have been developing this process for over a decade. Biochromes are records of nature’s events of organic decay and renewal. This art and science undertaking allows for transformation of flora, and makes visible what is usually invisible to our eyes. This exhibition also includes time-lapse videos of the plants transformation, and lumen prints.
Audiences of all ages are invited to engage with the artworks and educational art activities provided, which include drawings of selected wildflowers, Granite Belt Wildflowers Activity Guide, and the exhibition catalogue. You can create your own wildflower garden by collaging and colouring flower drawings, designed in collaboration with HAPY Picture Dictionary on Demand.
Exhibition catalogue with an essay Art, Science and Nature’s Day-to-Day Miracles by Carol Schwarzman is available by post for $15AU with free postage within Australia, or as a a FREE pdf file. It is a 16 page, 15x29 cm publication as seen on Instagram Please contact me from the Contact page.Exhibitions of this work on the NEWS page: at POP Gallery in March 2020
at Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery in April 2019
Download a FREE Exhibition Activity Guide e-book, which includes photographs and a list of flowers you can find within the artworks, and FREE Activity Cards with wildflowers for adults and children. Both from HAPY.CA website. Have Fun!
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