Categories: General
      Date: Fri, 07 Apr 2017
     Title: The Print Exposed 2017
gold street studios
700 James Lane Trentham East Vic 3458

Opening: 5.30 to 7.30pm Friday 17 March 2017 by Elizabeth Opalenik
Exhibition dates: 8 March - 30 April 2017

The Print Exposed is a truly unique exhibition aimed at encouraging the understanding, and appreciation for handmade alternative / historic photographic print processes evolved from almost a 175 years of photography...

Image: Renata Buziak, Xanthorrhoea resinosa grass tree, unique lumen print, 2016, silver gelatin

Photographers: Renata Buziak, Gary Chapman, Stuart Clook, Wendy Currie, Robyn Davis, Penny Dunstan, Csaba Farkas, Mike McCaw Peter McDonald, Jan Naismith, Chris Reid, Kim Sinclair and Lynette Zeeng

Featuring international artists: Elizabeth Opalenik, Christina Z Anderson, Craig Alan Huber, Tim Rudman & Mike Ware.