Precious: Lure of Skill

Bosz Gallery
Shop 4A/9 Doggett Street, Fortitude Valery Qld

Opening: Friday 21 August, 6:30 - 8pm

Exhibition dates: 18 Aug - 12 Sept

An exhibition by artists associated with the Griffith Centre for Creative Arts Research (GCCAR). Curated by Professor Ross Woodrow

All proceeds from this exhibition will fund a 2016 QCA Honours Scholarship

Artists in the show:

Beau Allen
Jennifer Andrews
Ali Bezer
Renata Buziak
Russell Craig
Jo D'Hage
Julie Fragar
Catherine Large
Kay S Lawrence
Andy Lowrie
Donna Marcus
Tim Mosely
David Nixon
Kellie O'Dempsey
Bill Platz
Debra Porch
Lynden Stone
Katie Stormonth
Anne Taylor
Peter Thiedeke
Ross Woodrow
Helen Wyatt

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