Art in Soil

POP Gallery, QCA Galleries
2 Logan Rd, Woolloongabba

Opening: Thursday 14 December, 6:30-9pm
Welcome to Country by Dr Robert Anderson OAM, known as Uncle Bob

Exhibition dates: 14 - 23 December 2017

Artist talks and Art-Science collaborations discussions Saturday 16 December 2-4pm

Curated by Carol Schwarzman & Renata Buziak

Project details: Art in Soil website

Images by exhibiting artists: Lawrence English, Robert Andrew, Ara Dolatian, Five Mile Radius, Paul Stumkat, Caitlin Franzmann & Kate Woodcroft.

Earth’s soil is both a social and physical phenomenon: we walk upon it, are fed and clothed by it, and battle over it. Continuing a tradition begun in 60s’ earthworks and land art, Art in Soil presents six artist projects furthering the poetics of soil.

Initiated by Soil Science Australia, Art in Soil follows an artist in residency program supporting collaboration amongst artists and soil scientists, focused on raising awareness of soil’s importance to all life on Earth.

Please join us to celebrate the mysterious, uncanny beauty of our “Earth’s ecstatic skin.”

Public Programs:
Saturday, 16 December 2pm: Artist talks
Saturday, 16 December 3pm: Art-Science collaborations discussions
Sunday, 17 December 10am-4pm: Caitlin Franzmann and Kate Woodcroft will offer visitors a guided meditation related to their project ‘Unspecified Soilings
Wednesday, 20 December, 10am-4pm: Five Mile Radius will be in the gallery to talk you through their work, with interactive demonstrations throughout the day to get you excited about your own soil.

Art in Soil Invitation
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