Liquid Architecture: A Plant is a Community

Mount Coot-tha Rd, Toowong, Qld
1–5pm, Sat 5 Nov 2018
A plant knows and makes worlds. It communicates.
A collaboration between Liquid Architecture and people + artist + place, part of Liquid Architecture’s major investigation, Why Listen to Plants.
Image: Renata Buziak, collage Jaye Carcary.
A plant knows and makes worlds. It communicates.
A collaboration between Liquid Architecture and people + artist + place, part of Liquid Architecture’s major investigation, Why Listen to Plants.
Image: Renata Buziak, collage Jaye Carcary.
ConÂverÂsaÂtions with AboÂrigÂiÂnal Elders about reflecÂtion on place and plants in Mt Coot-tha.
Sound, art, science, literature and more by:
Artist: Libby HarÂward
Plant bioaÂcoustic sciÂenÂtist: Monica Gagliano
Composer: Leah Barclay
Michelle Xen with Shane Rudken
Artist: Renata Buziak
Mutual Making (Caitlin FranzÂmann and Dhana MerÂritt)
PrimÂiÂtive Motion (Leighton Craig and Sandra Selig)
(Why Listen?)
"When we regard a plant, we usuÂally only see what’s above the surÂface: stems, trunks, branches, leaves, buds and flowÂers. But there’s so much more below ground – intriÂcate nets of roots, radiÂcles and fungal bodies through which water, nutriÂents, knowlÂedge and comÂmuÂnity flows. Plants are always conÂnected, always talkÂing and lisÂtenÂing to each other, even in the most conÂstructed of landÂscapes. A plant knows and makes worlds; it is always in comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with others. Through root-lisÂtenÂing, through pracÂtices of sharÂing words, time — and seeds — can we culÂtiÂvate a vegÂetable-based conÂsciousÂness?"
by Liquid Architecture, please click here for more info.