Categories: General
      Date: Wed, 29 Aug 2018
     Title: Liquid Architecture: A Plant is a Community
Mount Coot-tha Rd, Toowong, Qld
1–5pm, Sat 5 Nov 2018
A plant knows and makes worlds. It communicates.

A collaboration between Liquid Architecture and people + artist + place, part of Liquid Architecture’s major investigation, Why Listen to Plants.

Image: Renata Buziak, collage Jaye Carcary.

Con­ver­sa­tions with Abo­rig­i­nal Elders about reflec­tion on place and plants in Mt Coot-tha.
Sound, art, science, literature and more by:

Artist: Libby Har­ward
Plant bioa­coustic sci­en­tist: Monica Gagliano
Composer: Leah Barclay
Michelle Xen with Shane Rudken
Artist: Renata Buziak
Mutual Making (Caitlin Franz­mann and Dhana Mer­ritt)
Prim­i­tive Motion (Leighton Craig and Sandra Selig)

(Why Listen?)

"When we regard a plant, we usu­ally only see what’s above the sur­face: stems, trunks, branches, leaves, buds and flow­ers. But there’s so much more below ground – intri­cate nets of roots, radi­cles and fungal bodies through which water, nutri­ents, knowl­edge and com­mu­nity flows. Plants are always con­nected, always talk­ing and lis­ten­ing to each other, even in the most con­structed of land­scapes. A plant knows and makes worlds; it is always in com­mu­ni­ca­tion with others. Through root-lis­ten­ing, through prac­tices of shar­ing words, time — and seeds — can we cul­ti­vate a veg­etable-based con­scious­ness?"

by Liquid Architecture,
please click here for more info.